From Ingenious Fungi to Post-feminism: HSE University Hosts Season’s Last Science Battles Semi-Final
Season VI of Science Battles at HSE University is entering the homestretch. The June semi-final determined the list of finalists and helped many viewers choose their favourites. This time, young researchers decided to figure out how to conduct a police lineup without destroying a person’s life, as well as how to improve a child’s academic performance without instilling neurotic perfectionism. They also found out that fungi and mould help heal scars and save the environment, and that adherents of post-feminism have very mixed feelings about their own images on TikTok.
‘If We Aren’t Immersed in Research from a Young Age, It Is Harder to Catch Up’
On February 1, the HSE Cultural Centre hosted an award ceremony for the winners and laureates of the 2022 Student Research Paper Competition. Participants included students and graduates of HSE University and other universities. The ceremony closed with a ‘Science Battles’ event.
Student Research Paper Competition 2022 Now Open at HSE University
The start of a new academic year is an excellent time to plan the next steps in your academic career. On September 1, HSE University announced the start of its annual Student Research Paper Competition (SRPC-2022). Participation is open to students of Russian and international universities and to 2022 graduates. Last year, a total of 2,196 papers were submitted to the SRPC, of which 435 were from external participants.
Student Research Paper Competition 2022 Now Open at HSE University
The start of a new academic year is an excellent time to plan the next steps in your academic career. On September 1, HSE University announced the start of its annual Student Research Paper Competition (SRPC-2022). Participation is open to students of Russian and international universities and to 2022 graduates. Last year, a total of 2,196 papers were submitted to the SRPC, of which 435 were from external participants.
From Hate-Watching to GMOs: Highlights of the HSE Science Battles’ Third Semi-Finals
The fifth season of HSE Science Battles is currently underway, with the Sber office serving as a venue for another stage of the battle. Four speakers fought for a place in the finals by presenting their research in a ‘TED Talks’ format. The HSE News Service reports on highlights from the event, including how to explain to your grandmother that GMOs aren’t dangerous, what font you should use to develop your memory, and who ‘hate-watchers’ are.
Robot Rights and Talking Babies: Discussions at HSE Science Battles
Four young scientists competed in the second semi-final of the fifth season of HSE University Science Battles, which was held at HSE Cultural Centre. What tasks lead students to cheat on exams, how babies learn to talk, whether artificial intelligence is subject to copyright, how to deal with false modesty — each researcher presented their work while the audience and the jury chose a winner to compete for the main prize of the season — an academic travel grant.
HSE University Celebrates the Academic Achievements of 2021 Student Research Paper Competition Winners
The award ceremony of the 2021 Student Research Paper Competition took place on February 8. The organisers congratulated the students and early career researchers and told them about the benefits of winning in the competition.
Registration Opens for ‘Research Initiative’ Team Project Competition
The HSE Centre for Student Academic Development has started accepting applications for the third ‘Research Initiative’ student team research project competition. Bachelor’s and master’s students from all HSE campuses are eligible to participate. The competition gives students an opportunity to not only take on research roles, but also to try their hand at working as academic managers and supervisors of a small research team. Registration will remain open until February 28.
Scholarships to be Awarded to Student Research Paper Competition - 2021 Winners
On September 29, the HSE Academic Council approved the Regulation on Scholarships for the Winners of the HSE University Student Research Paper Competition - 2021. The competition winners will now receive scholarships of 20,000 roubles per month.
‘My Opinion about Academic Life Has Changed Dramatically’
HSE student mentors meet first-year students