Scholarships to be Awarded to Student Research Paper Competition - 2021 Winners
On September 29, the HSE Academic Council approved the Regulation on Scholarships for the Winners of the HSE University Student Research Paper Competition - 2021. The competition winners will now receive scholarships of 20,000 roubles per month.

‘It Was Interesting to Showcase a Unique Student Project’
Held as part of the Second New Knowledge Marathon, the fourth HSE Science Battles attracted a wide audience. HSE Students Frol Sapronov, Marina Kasyulina, and Vsevolod Nikolsky took part in the competition’s new televised format to demonstrate how to talk about science vividly and in simple terms understandable to any audience.
Cartier CEO Delivers a Public Lecture to HSE – St. Petersburg Students
In an open talk organized for HSE – St. Petersburg undergraduate and graduate students, Cartier CEO Cyrille Vigneron spoke about the role of the modern luxury industry in various spheres of public life including business, art, science, and education, as well as how modern management employs methods of quantum physics.

‘Outstanding Alumni Endowment’ Supports Young Scientists with Scholarships
The winners of the Student Research Paper Competition were given their awards at HSE University on Pokrovsky Boulevard. The ‘Outstanding Alumni Endowment’ scholarship was given to the authors of the best works in the ‘Economics’, ‘Sociology’ and ‘Political Science’ categories.

HSE Science Battles Wrap Up Third Season
What professions in Russia are considered ‘dirty’? Do computers have empathy? What happens when the brain incorrectly predicts how we feel? The answers to these and other questions were tackled at the final round of the HSE Science Battles, which was held online for the first time this year. Read on to find out which performance was rated highest by the audience and jury and why the Science Battles are a must-see for everyone.

University-Wide Project Group Competition Kicks Off at HSE
The deadline for applications is June 1

HSE University Takes Grand Prix in 2019 Communication Laboratory Award
The 3rd National Forum of Research Communicators came to a close in St. Petersburg with the traditional announcement of the Communication Laboratory Award winners. HSE University was awarded the Grand Prix for its high standards of communication in all fields.

Ivan Gruzdev Appointed HSE Director for Institutional Research and Student Academic Development
He spoke to HSE News Service about what his new office will be doing.